Productive 120 +or- acre farm in Wilbarger County, TX, located west of Vernon.  No improvements or structures. Legal access via a 20 ft. wide deeded access easement coming in from the south side.  This easement runs along the side of the neighbor’s field and is not currently a road because that same neighbor allows the owner to come in from the east, via an existing gravel oil field road. Per the FSA, the cultivatable acres are 114.46, with 5.49 acres in a grass waterway along the north side.  Currently being used to grow winter wheat under a share crop agreement with a local farmer. It is a dry land farm with no irrigation, so crop production can vary depending on annual rainfall.  The current tenant would continue to lease the farm, if desired. No mineral rights are owned so there are none to convey. The property has two oil wells on it with tank batteries; both are on the far north end where it doesn't interfere with the farm production. LIST PRICE: $1,850 per acre