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This property is the combination of MLS 2519872 (35.94 Acres M/L) and MLS 2519909 (39.37 Acres M/L) to make a total of 75.31 Acres M/L. Property is used for pasture, fenced and cross fenced with several very well maintained ponds. A small amount of Timber in the southwest corner of property. There is natural gas, rural water line and fiber on the front property along Cantrell Road. There are other split possibilities as well. Whether you are an investor, or someone who wants to live in the country, this is a GREAT property.


Water Source : Rural - Verify Sewer System : Unknown elecom : Fiber - Available
Road Surface Type : Gravel


Street Address: 00000 Cantrell & 174th Street
City: Linwood
State: Kansas
Postal Code: 66052
County: Leavenworth
MLS Number: 2521831
Courtesy of Crown Realty

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